Neighbor-to-Neighbor Program Application Form


Once you have completed the application below, SDG&E will process your request and notify you if you are eligible for a pledge from the Neighbor-to-Neighbor (NTN) Program. Please note that completing this form does not guarantee an NTN pledge.

1. Have you received a disconnection order from SDG&E?

Unfortunately, to be eligible for NTN funds, you must have received a disconnection order from SDG&E. For other assistance programs, please visit


2. Are you applying for NTN for an active and open residential account?

Unfortunately, to be eligible for NTN funds, the residential account must be open and active. For other assistance programs, please visit

3. Is this account for a primary residence?

Unfortunately, only primary residences are eligible for NTN funds. For other assistance  programs, please visit

4. Are you a landlord applying for a tenant or a sub-metered account?

Unfortunately, the tenant must apply for NTN funds. If the tenant is a sub-metered account, please have them call 2-1-1 to apply. For other assistance programs, please visit

5. Have you applied for NTN in the past 12 months? Please note that duplicate applications may slow processing time.

Unfortunately, customers are only eligible for NTN once in a 12-month period. For other assistance programs, please visit


Account Information

Note: If your account number has two or three leading zeros, don't include the zeros, nor spaces, and enter only the first 10 digits. 

If your account starts with 2100, only enter the first 12 digits. 

Contact Information
Service Address Information
If you are facing financial hardship, check all that apply

By checking this box, I certify that I am a current SDG&E customer, I am suffering a financial hardship that prevents me from paying my SDG&E bill, I am at least 60 days past due on my SDG&E bill, and I am seeking financial assistance from SDG&E’s Neighbor-to-Neighbor Program.

I acknowledge that the average waiting period for payment of the voucher is four to six weeks. I agree to continue to pay my energy bill(s) and/or keep all payment arrangements made with SDG&E. I understand that failure to comply with the terms of this voucher may delay payment or result in immediate cancellation of the Neighbor-to-Neighbor pledge.

I also authorize SDG&E to send me information about utility assistance programs and to send my information to SDG&E contractors to schedule energy audits at my discretion.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.