Plan for Safe Fumigation

Before a fumigation company fumigates your home or business, you’ll need to have your natural gas service shut off for safety. At no cost to you, we’ll schedule your service to be shut off and restore it afterward.
Here’s what you need to know:
State regulations authorize only SDG&E or our certified contractors to operate the gas service shut-off valve (California Public Utilities Commission General Order 112-F and DOT/PHMSA Code of Federal Regulations – Title 49, Part 192). Only qualified utility employees are authorized, Fumigation company employees are not authorized to do so.
You or your fumigation contractor can schedule gas shut-off service by calling us at 1-800-411-7343 at least two business days in advance. Tell the energy service specialist that the gas service shut-off is for a tented fumigation job.
We’ll schedule restoration (a gas service turn-on order) no sooner than the day following tent removal.
You must provide us with a “Certification for Re-entry” from your fumigation contractor, so we know it’s safe to re-enter the building.
As part of the restoration service, we can inspect and adjust your gas appliances for safety and efficiency.
Fumigation Contractor Gas Utility Guidelines
To ensure the safety of all, pest control and fumigation contractors should follow these guidelines.
1. Fumigation contractors are required to contact the gas utility provider no less than two (2) business days prior to the requested start date to close natural gas service for fumigation at any structure where:
- A meter or meters are attached to any structure being tented.
- Gas is conveyed through any pipe or system passing under or through any structure being tented.
- A meter provides gas service to any structure being tented.
Note: Large meters and multiple meters in one location may require additional time.
2. Fumigation contractors must arrange with the occupants to provide the gas utility safe access to the meter and front door of structures that are to be fumigated.
Gates must be unlocked and working.
Debris or any items that prevent access must be removed.
Trees or shrubs that prevent access must be trimmed or removed.
3. Fumigation contractors must not completely enclose with a tent and introduce fumigant to any structure served by gas unless:
Gas service has been closed by the gas utility.
The meter and service riser have been inspected and deemed safe by the gas utility.
Warning notices have been posted at the meter and front door by the gas utility.
4. The Gas Meter must not be covered by the tent except in rare cases where the structure or meter location makes excluding the meter from the tent impossible.
5. If gas service has not been closed by the end of the scheduled window the fumigation contractor should immediately notify the gas utility who will send a technician with a priority order to complete the request.
6. Our technicians inspect our gas facilities to ensure tent fumigations can be performed safely. Although uncommon, occasionally fumigation gas closure is delayed if the technician determines the meter, or any associated components require service or replacement prior to the installation of the tent. To avoid delays on the day of fumigation, contact the gas utility immediately if any issues are suspected.
7. Tent work is prohibited above the meter at the time the service person is attempting to shut-off the service or perform any work at the meter.
8. The Code of Federal Regulations mandates that only Operator Qualified personnel operate service valves except in an emergency.
Violations of these requirements are reported to the Structural Pest Control Board.